If we decide to stay happy, then we can stay calm and the life becomes easy. To stay happy, it is important to realize that happiness is an attitude, a state of mind. This realization will help you to choose the best option for a happier experience of each episode life unfolds in front you.

Happiness is a great goal to have, and it is something you will need to work toward every day. Being happy is not something you achieve and then hold onto — it’s a series of decisions that you make every day.

Happiness often comes from within. Learn how to tame negative thoughts and approach every day with optimism. Negative thinking happens to all of us, but if we recognize it and challenge that thinking, we are taking a big step toward a happier life. And thinking positive thoughts and surrounding yourself with positive people really does help. So, make a point to hang out with optimistic people.

Work takes up a lot of our day, but it should not be the only thing we do. It’s important to pursue activities and interests beyond our job. Do you have a hobby? Are you spending time with friends and loved ones? Are you getting exercise? Creating balance in your life will reduce stress and give you other outlets to express yourself and have fun. Find ways to cultivate gratitude daily. Giving thanks and being grateful for all you have will make you happier and more content. When you spend time, each day acknowledging all that is good in life, you will see there is better than you realize, and you’ll find that sadness, anxiety and depression are diminished.

Here are some reasons why the effort to become happier is worth it:

1) Happiness is success: Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.”

2) Happiness is healthy: Our physical health is directly impacted by our emotional and mental state. Happier people tend to be healthier in every aspect of life.

3) Happiness is being connected: If I smile, make a polite gesture, or say something welcoming, most people will respond in kind.

4) Happiness is attractive: People are drawn to those who radiate happiness, warmth, and positivity.

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