HR Operations

One Stop For All HR Solutions

Every organisation needs strong HR system.  While HR systems are the backbone of the organisation, focus on the core competencies is imperative for survival and strategic continuation.  Our role as experts in HR Operations enable the client company to stay abreast rapidly changing business world without incurring humungous costs that may eat into operational budgets.

Talent Instaa is a company engaged in navigating HR challenges of a business to feasible and strategic solutions.  We offer specialist advice and services to maximise the efficiency of HR operations and implement new policies and procedures in the best possible and effective manner.  Our services include:

  1. Helping and guiding your team in managing the entire Employee Life Cycle.
  2. Policy formulation and implementation
  3. HR Audit and Operational review to identify gaps / barriers
  4. Defining Talent Acquisition Guidelines and framework
  5. Create People Management Policy Manual
  6. Guide/ mentor internal HR team for effective execution of HR System and Policies.
  7. Define Need of Technology infusion in people management operations
  8. Create L&D framework for employees’ development
  9. Define and implement robust Performance Appraisal System for employees
  10. Suggest Best Practices that can be adopted
  11. Talent Management

Post COVID market dynamics and competitive pressures require organizations to focus more on their core businesses.  In such a scenario, Talent Instaa can take care of your HR operations, while you grow your business in leaps and bound.